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Nithyananda rape case trial next date: 6 Sept. 2018

Updates from Courts


Supreme Court DISMISSED ALL PETITIONS by Nithyananda and his Secretaries to Discharge them without a trial (June 2018)


17 Retaliatory/false Complaints filed so far against whistleblower Dharmananda (lenin) by Nithyananda Cult Members!!!!

14 Retaliatory/false Complaints filed so far against victim Aarthi Rao by Nithyananda & his Cult Members!!!! (All of them after charge sheet against Nithyananda)

3 cases filed in the US against Accused 1 Nithyananda (Mr. Rajasekar), Nithyananda Foundation, Life Bliss Foundation,

4 cases filed in India against Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam for fraud:

Donors of Hyderabad Ashram, Rajapalayam Ashram,Trichy ashram and Seeragapadi Ashram (near Salem) demand that fraudulently obtained donations be returned


Renowned Forensic Expert Padma Bhushan Prof. Dr. P. Chandra Sekharan states "video not morphed"

Nithyananda dismissed from Madurai Adheenam (on 19th Oct 2012), Nithyananda is banned from entering Madurai Adheenam mutt

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What price spiritual enlightenment?

Acknowledgement: Album Satori from Flower Traveling Band.

What’s it with spiritual enlightenment? Why is it that people lose their mind over spiritual enlightenment, by whatever name it’s called, satori, nirvana, samadhi or holy union or whatever?

Does such a state exist?

Hindu scriptures say that one who has experienced spiritual enlightenment would not express it, and one who expresses it has never experienced it. Hindu scriptures are clear that one who talks about spiritual enlightenment is a fraud.

These days, we have self-proclaimed gurus with fancy titles not only talking about spiritual enlightenment but also guaranteeing it, as if it were their possession. Most of them have no clue to what they are talking about. There are enough Hindu scriptural references to spiritual enlightenment. These guys read about it. Some memorize the Hindu scriptural references in their original Sanskrit. They then start their business.

That’s all it is, pure business of spiritual enlightenment.

In Hindu scriptures, there are four statements called the great truths or maha vakyas. All these talk about the inner energy of our mind body spirit system. The Hindu scriptures say that in our inner energy state we are all divine. They say that our inner energy is the same as the cosmic energy. Realization of this truth, according to Hindu scriptures and Buddhist scriptures is spiritual enlightenment.

How do we get to this state of spiritual enlightenment?

Advaita or non-duality, the Hindu scripture philosophy, clearly states that we are one with the divine, that there’s no separation between us and this inner energy divinity and what may appear as separation is illusion or maya. The Advaita philosophy provides ways and means to reach this state. Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras provides the path to this spiritual enlightenment or samadhi, in his definition of the eight-fold path of Ashtanga Yoga. Patanjali Yoga is not, as i spoke earlier, hot, cold, wet, dry or nude Yoga. It’s about the mind, body, spirit and inner energy. The self-styled gurus who give away spiritual enlightenment as candies, and along with candies may have read the maha vakyas or Yoga Sutras, but to be sure, they have never practiced them. If they had, they wouldn’t talk about spiritual enlightenment.

If these gurus were indeed genuine, they would instead, as Ramana Maharishi did, direct us to self-enquiry and go back to silence.

Source: Zen Coach


  1. Hey Nithy, If you really are an avatara purusha why are you not able to save yourself? You are able to see the future. Pity you could not see all this. How long are your stupid ashramites going to believe this VITARKA crap!!!! Wake up you dumb @$$. Save your souls from this DEMON. He is not GOD or Human. He is pure EVIL!!!!!!!!!

  2. Gaining spiritual enlightenment is ultimate goal of life as a human being! Realizing we are a pure soul atman... the spirit within is essence of spirituality. Spiritual enlightenment is reached via path of sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism... the doctrine given to mankind by Lord Krishna about 3600 years before now! Spiritual enlightenment can never be gained via path of religion (path of rituals)!
