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Nithyananda rape case trial next date: 6 Sept. 2018

Updates from Courts


Supreme Court DISMISSED ALL PETITIONS by Nithyananda and his Secretaries to Discharge them without a trial (June 2018)


17 Retaliatory/false Complaints filed so far against whistleblower Dharmananda (lenin) by Nithyananda Cult Members!!!!

14 Retaliatory/false Complaints filed so far against victim Aarthi Rao by Nithyananda & his Cult Members!!!! (All of them after charge sheet against Nithyananda)

3 cases filed in the US against Accused 1 Nithyananda (Mr. Rajasekar), Nithyananda Foundation, Life Bliss Foundation,

4 cases filed in India against Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam for fraud:

Donors of Hyderabad Ashram, Rajapalayam Ashram,Trichy ashram and Seeragapadi Ashram (near Salem) demand that fraudulently obtained donations be returned


Renowned Forensic Expert Padma Bhushan Prof. Dr. P. Chandra Sekharan states "video not morphed"

Nithyananda dismissed from Madurai Adheenam (on 19th Oct 2012), Nithyananda is banned from entering Madurai Adheenam mutt

Monday, May 17, 2010

Nithyananda's lies vs. the religion of TRUTH

The religion of truth is the only religion there is! As His Holiness Dalai Lama explains (see video).... truth is the essence of religion & spirituality.

Truth is the only practice a real seeker must do. And yet Nithyananda - who is not just a seeker, but a LEADER of a spiritual organization - has told innumerable lies. His whole life is ONE BIG LIE!!! (Click here to read more about his lies) He cheated his disciples, devotees and society at large with his complex web of lies!! How can such a person be accepted as a genuine enlightened master?!

Video in images (for better readability)


  1. In wings to freedom, Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath discusses the 7 stages of spiritual development and warns: "A word of caution - it is here that the danger of being ensnared by the ego lies. Some saints and yogis due to their past karmas become world teachers with large followings of admiring disciples. At the third and fourth stage, they must resist the temptation to pretend to be more than what they are. Some of these souls because of excessive kundalini surge may hallucinate themselves into believing they are Avatars. They bask in the praises showered upon them by deluded devotees who haven't a clue about what an Avatar is. The saint in turn makes no effort to correct his mistaken identity. This situation is detrimental to both the saint and the devotees." Author seems to use 'saint' in reference to the person's state prior to getting ensnared by ego. Apparently, many tried to tell N he was headed down wrong road, but he was too arrogant to heed anyone's advice. He definitely seems to have hallucinated himself into believing all sorts of things and also claimed he could see far down the road. But he never saw this scandal coming.

  2. The video, the write-up and the sensational title do not relate at all!

    I am not a devottee of Nithyananda, but have spent time watching the truths he expounds in his youtube videos.

    Swamiji has never said that one path is 'the' path.

    He has said numerous times that 'As many human beings, those many paths.'

    Another blogpost written mindlessly for the sake of Nithyananda- bashing, and without any coherence!

    As your blog is titled, May dharma win!

    Satyameva jayate!

  3. Hello "Seeker" let me enlighten you about the title "Nithyananda's Lies Vs Religion of Truth". It basically talks about the quality a seeker needs while aspiring to seek God ie. being Truthful, Righteous, Compassion, etc. The Seer on the other hand should be radiating and exemplifying these qualities; Nithyananda was putting a fascade (show) in swindle money out of seekers like you and I.
    He did not expound anything of his own on the Youtube, he basically regurgitated teachings of other Masters.
    If you need facts referring to his lies please click on the link provided above and you'll find numerous/repeated lies Nithyananda had told to authorities and seekers alike. The number of bullshit stories he and his goons weave to mesmerize participants of his money-making courses is countless.
    And so, you need to understand that there is no bashing here instead mere facts are provided. I have had personal encounters with Nithyananda and his goons, who swindle money out of the innocent and the sick; in the name of spiritual teaching and healing.
    This posting/website perseveres to shed the TRUTH on the phony Nithyananda and his goons.
    Hope you have a better understanding of what Nithayananda and his organization was upto. Do not be blinded by his pretentious smile and empty promises "I Shall Take Care".
    Dharma Shall Prevail and Phony Swamis like Nithyananda Shall Pay Heavily both here and beyond for their misdeeds.

  4. @above.. wel said..

  5. The truly saintly, miraculous avadhoot, Bhagawan Nityananda. This is the peerless Nityananda, whom all else can hope only to imitate but never equal.

    Bhagawan Nityananda (November/December, 1897[1] – August 8, 1961) was an Indian guru. His teachings are published in the "Chidakash Gita". Nityananda was born in Quilandy (Pandalayini), Kerala, South India.
